Dean Lyon

Chief Technology Officer

Dean Lyon is the Chief Technology Officer of Xavatar. In this capacity he has been in charge of the development of all of Xavatar’s products and technology, including leading the connection of AI and ML in all processes of Xavatar development, Xavatar avatar creation, tech development on The Xavatar show and spearheading our Xataverse metaverse development with partners such as Unreal Engine and AWS.

Dean is a legendary visual effects guru ( As a visual effects creator/supervisor he helped to create many of the visual and character effects for the Lord of The Rings trilogy, Independence Day, Armageddon and many other iconic Hollywood films. He has more than 35 years experience in collaborating with cutting edge directors, studios, production companies, post-production facilities and technology developers throughout the world. He is passionate about the potential of creative use of technology to transform the art of visual storytelling. Dean’s career has included roles as Producer, Artist, Inventor and Entrepreneur, working on motion pictures, music videos, theme park attractions, and virtual reality. He has worked on 100’s of international television commercials and 50+ feature films. Dean was one of the pioneers responsible for bringing computer graphics to film and television and arrived in Florida to define the future technology for Da Vinci Systems.

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