Xavatar Avatars

A Xavatar avatar otherwise known as a Xavatar is your animated online personification. When you don’t want to appear in person for meetings on Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams or other video telecom you can use your Xavatar. Using facial and audio recognition your Xavatar follows your movements in real time and using AI, learns as it goes, perfecting the user’s mannerisms, and gestures. Your AI driven Xavatar will over time become autonomous, you will be able to operate your Xavatar with only your voice. Xavatars are also customizable universal “native” NFT embedded avatars that can be utilized from any device.

However, the scope goes far beyond simply generating an animated version of the user, the Xavatar team will soon debut an animated tv series called The Xavatar show a first ever real-time animated tv series, which will star an entire raft of celebrities, film stars, musicians, directors, and legends from the entertainment industry. Users will be able to participate in the show utilizing their own Xavatars.

The Xavatar avatars will also be the users representation in our upcoming Xavatar metaverse-The Xataverse.

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